History and activity of the Ukrainian Society for the Protection of Historical and Cultural Monuments in the Kharkiv Region (1966–2021)





The article examines the history of formation, the development of monument preservation activities of the Kharkiv regional organization of the Ukrainian Society for the Protection of Historical and Cultural Monuments, in the context of the state museum and monument preservation processes of the Kharkiv region, and its influence on the field of monument preservation and monument studies in general.In the conditions of the modern system of protection of cultural heritage, state public organizations were and remain an important tool that helps in the fulfillment of tasks, one of which is the Ukrainian Society for the Protection of Historical and Cultural Monuments. Given the high level of public trust in public institutions and their role in historical and cultural-social processes, state institutions are forced to understand the need for two-way interaction with society. UTOPIK has become the main social lever in the field of protection and popularization of cultural heritage in Ukraine and the world. The Society’s activities require fundamental research to understand the problems of the past and outline the prospects of monument protection activities in the future. Having analyzed the main sources thanks to which the functioning of the regional organization was started, having carried out a review of the organizational operations of formation, directions and forms of activity, as well as the interaction of the society with state institutions of culture, architecture and art, it was determined that during the second half of the 20th century.The Kharkiv regional organization UTOPIK was an important tool in the coordination and reproduction of monument protection activities of the Kharkiv region, which was engaged in lecturing, excursion, regulatory and publishing activities. During the 55 years of its existence, experiencing ups and downs, socio-political and economic transformations, lack of finances, the organization preserved and created many objects significant for history. Despite the fact that UTOPIK was ideologically engaged at one time, due to the activity that was aimed at the military history of the region and educational activities, but today, in the conditions of independent Ukraine, the society is able to improve the historical and local history movement, activate the excursion and tourist cluster, as well as being the founder of new modern information systems in the field of protection, research and restoration of cultural heritage objects.

