Methodological approaches in electrical engineering history researches




The peculiarities of the development of the electrical engineering history methodology are revealed and the principles of a systematic approach in conducting historical and technical researches are investigated. It is shown that at the present stage a comprehensive approach in the research of complex systems is a priority. With the development of scientific research on the history of electrical engineering there was a rethinking and expansion of metrological approaches as the basis of systematic studies of the electrical engineering industry history. The need to consider electrical engineering as an entire and multilevel system, «electrotechnical science-technique-engineering activityeducation » gradually is becoming the basis of the methodology of studying this applied science. The first works on the electricity history contain a sufficient amount of factual material, but differ in one-sided approach to solving problems. However, the understanding that the study of the applied field must occur in a complex gradually is becoming the basis of modern methodological approaches. In this regard, the studies of not only the processes of the establishment and development of the electrical engineering industry, the theoretical foundations of the formation of certain areas of electrical engineering, the determination of the specific contribution of leading scientists, but also the history consideration of the formation of a network of research institutes and training systems for scientific and engineering personnel.

The development of methodological approaches in the works of O. D. Symonenko is considered where the author systematized the methodological tools for conducting historical and technical researches, the model of the functioning of the «science-engineering» system at various historical stages is described, the development and conceptual principles of theoretical and methodological principles of historical and technical research are described, the typology of scientific researches in the field of science history is suggested and the scientific and theoretical essence of the technique is substantiated, the approaches to the improvement of the concept-terminology apparatus and the structure of the history are determined.

It is noted that the principles for determining the methodological foundations for the history study of the development of electrical engineering have become the works reflecting the methodological approaches in the history study of science and technology and the history of applied technical sciences of such researchers as A. Joseph, J. Folta, V. Zh. Kelle and J. Bernal, who highlighted the significance of the science history in the formation of social consciousness, the role of technology in the development of society and socio-cultural status of scientists; considered the methodological problem of determining the place of technology history in the system of natural sciences, social sciences and engineering sciences.

