To the problem of of philosophy and literature convergence


  • O. V. Rodnyi Oles Honchar Dnipro National University, Dnipro, Ukraine



Fiction can be seen as a document of human experience, and therefore it has many philosophical implications. Philosophy deals with certain complex questions related to human life and experience. After all, literature is based on experience and imagination, and it is not a substitute for philosophy. At all times, literature is a means of understanding reality. This fact implies the constant attention of researchers to its epistemological possibilities. Philosophical thinking, with its demand for conceptual clarification and system building, involves careful use of language. It is this use of language that feeds literature. An artistic text is not an isolated entity. This vast web of interrelationships sustains both literary and philosophical discourses. The paper’s methodology is based on the interaction of comparative analysis and historical-philosophical reflection. The purpose of the article is to outline the main problems of the relationship between literature and philosophy at the current stage of the development of humanitarian science. Description of the main results. It is shown that scientific, artistic and philosophical interrelationships, their dependence and mutual rapprochement are a symptom of the modern state of culture. Philosophy forms not just knowledge about the world, it forms knowledge of human meanings. There are a number of scientific studies that represent a positive experience of studying literature in its interaction with other spiritual aspects of society. In addition, the works of M. Bakhtin and S. Averintsev laid the foundation for the relationship between literature and philosophy. It was determined that at contemporary time under the influence of the processes of social life, a tendency of convergence of various fields of humanitarian sciences was formed, thanks to which fiction acquired a new status. Under these conditions, it should be considered by researchers as a major social phenomenon. Thus, the very existence of literature presents scientists with the task of deep, comprehensive research in new conditions with the application of philosophical methodology. At the moment, the ontological aspect of the interaction of philosophy and literature, always relevant, does not lose its value. Proclaiming the inseparability of philosophy and literature, argument and metaphor is one of the hallmarks of modern philosophy. The study of this dynamic opposition is the path to the development of modern culture. Philosophy must acquire knowledge about the nature, basis, value and limits of literature.

