Studies in history and philosophy of science and technology 2024-06-10T19:01:04+03:00 Savchuk Varfolomii Stepanovich Open Journal Systems Features of the activities of SE««UNDKT»» DINTE»» in international projects 2024-06-10T18:55:31+03:00 M. S. Khorolskyi <p>From the memoirs of a veteran (1967–2016) and Director of the DF Research Institute of Rubber Industry (1987–2015), Honored Worker of the Industry of Ukraine, Laureate of the USSR State Prize in the Field of Science and Technology M. S. Khorolskyi</p> 2024-06-10T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Studies in history and philosophy of science and technology KHOROLSKYI Mykhailo Stepanovych (on his 80th birthday) 2024-06-10T19:01:04+03:00 <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> 2024-06-10T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Studies in history and philosophy of science and technology Cultural and ontological foundations of technology: the reconstruction of Prometheus 2024-06-06T19:45:13+03:00 S. V. Shevtsov S. A. Kvitka <p>The actuality of the topic is due to a number of contradictions arising under the influence of technology (speed of spread and inertia of institutions, availability of access to technologies and lack of knowledge about them, etc.) and the need to articulate its cultural and ontological conditions, one of which is prometheia-installation. The purpose of the article is the culturalontological reconstruction of prometheia-installation as a culture-forming attitude to the existence and functioning of the phenomenon of technics in archetypal, etymological-semantic, polemical, anomal, existential, prosthetic cuts. Methodology of the research originates from the principles of historicity, complementarity, organicity and involves the use of the possibilities of descriptive, etymological, hermeneutic, structuralistic, dialectical approaches. With the help of the description, a review of previous publications related to the topic of the study is carried out, the reception of the image of Prometheus in European culture is marked, and the actual field of research is outlined. With the help of the etymological approach, the semantic nuances of the concepts «Prometheus», «promethêia», «têchne», «sophίa», etc. With the help of hermeneutics, the content of the Platonic myth about Prometheus, Epimetheus, the origin of mankind is connected with the works of Hesiod, Aeschylus, and some concepts are also interpreted, for example: «entêchnos sophίa», «tȳphles elpídes», etc. The possibilities of the structuralist approach could articulate a number of oppositions «gods / titans», «gods / people», «guilt / punishment», etc. Finally, the methodical aspects of dialectics articulate the fundamental contradiction of the phenomenon of technology in human being. The results of the research are, firstly, the determination of what a culture-forming installation is as such and the individual, collective, conscious and unconscious aspects of its productive nature are indicated here. Secondly, the religious, aesthetic, and philosophical contexts of the archetypal cut of prometheia-installation are outlined. Thirdly, an etymological-semantic analysis of the name Prometheus was carried out, and on this basis its meaningful aspects were clarified: intentional (orientation towards the future), gnostic (aspiration for accurate knowledge), existential (caring), axiological (honoring). Fourthly, the polemic cut of prometheia-installation is analyzed in a number of aspects: genetic (conflict between Zeus and Prometheus), psychological (pride), incident (stealing fire, crafts with arts and wisdom), teleological (punishment), act (blind hopes). Fifthly, it is outlined that in the anomic cut of promethia-installation, the guilt / punishment binary has a fundamental character in the form of a violation of divine laws (stealing fire, crafts with arts and wisdom). Sixthly, in the existential cut of prometheia-installation, the mechanism of waiting and overcoming the fear of death is articulated. Seventhly, an outline of the prosthetic nature of technology in terms of a prioriness and mediativity, interiorization and exteriorization, being and non-being is given. In the conclusions, the substantive aspects of, firstly, the culture-forming attitude as such, and secondly, Prometheus within the substantive limits of archetypal, etymological-semantic, polemical, anomic, existential, prosthetic sections are given, as well as the following research horizons are indicated.</p> 2024-06-06T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Studies in history and philosophy of science and technology Philosophical and anthropological phenomenon Homo Digitalis as an ontological system «human – gadget» 2024-06-06T20:45:07+03:00 Y. R. Borinshteyn L. S. Horodniuk <p>Total digitization has opened up many opportunities for modern human, created a new system of «human-world» relations: now any aspect of human life cannot be imagined without involvement in «digital». Everything we do is tied to a digital system in one way or another, and often in general. Thus, in the 21st century, a digital human, or Homo Digitalis, was formed – a fundamentally new type of Homo Sapiens, which coexists with digital devices and digital systems, has digital identification, whose life creativity takes place in several dimensions, including, to a large extent, in the virtual, whose quality and standard of living are significantly or completely dependent on the digital world. We believe that we have the right to put forward a hypothesis and claim that in the entire historical period of human existence, the neo-anthropus and his activities have never evolved so rapidly, changing the global lifestyle and its numerous individual factors, within the limits of not centuries, but several decades. Meanwhile, next to the unconditional numerous advantages and comfort, digitization has a reverse side – the person himself is fundamentally changing. Digital human, or Homo Digitalis, changes not only the way of life, the idea of cognitive and intellectual activity: Homo Digitalis makes numerous corrections to that human nature, which once, in the open conditions of the world, formed human and endowed him with Homo Sapiens properties. Thus, there appeared a Human whose being and life activities are largely determined by a digital device, a Human who became part of the ontological system «man-gadget». We call such a person a digital person, and in the philosophical and anthropological aspect – Homo Digitalis. The modern scientific community faces the tasks of socialization of the individual in the digital space and socialization of Homo Digitalis with well-established skills of digital existence in the ontological system «Man-gadget» with a minimum of life offline, in a physical dimension outside the virtual world. Digital man, or its anthropological synonym Homo Digitalis, is a relatively new phenomenon, but in Western science, where the digital revolution took place, his research began with the first awareness of a socio – historical turn. Unfortunately, there is very little reflection on the socio-cultural essence of Homo Digitalis and the difficulties of its humanitarization in accordance with the categorical imperative of morality.The aim of article is to investigate the essential foundations of Homo Digitalis as a philosophical and anthropological phenomenon in the ontological system «human-gadget». The subject of research . specifics of digital human existence metamodern.</p> 2024-06-06T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Studies in history and philosophy of science and technology Philosophical and anthropological phenomenon Homo Digitalis as an ontological system «human – gadget». 2024-06-07T18:06:22+03:00 Olha Honcharova <p>The urgency of the problem lies in the growing gap between the perfection and rapidly growing capabilities of modern technologies against the backdrop of decreasing requirements for the personal capabilities of each person. Technology is improving exponentially, while human potential is not being activated exponentially. And all this happens against the backdrop of oppression of the human natural environment. The problem of self-identification of man and humanity in conditions of redundancy of information through exponential improvement of machines is acute, taking into account the plastic fragility of human consciousness. The purpose of the article is to explore transformations of the sociocultural environment through the improvement of machines and the spread of smart-digitalization; show the place of humandimensionality/humanity in science to reveal the creative potential of the individual. The results of the study. Ultra-fast technization (replacement of human physical labor, leading to physical inactivity) and smart digitalization (replacement of mental labor, resulting in hypocognition) necessitate the development of innovative intelligence – a synergistic network of natural intelligence with artificial intelligence for the constant improvement of human intelligence, which will open up new possibilities for scientific research knowledge. In the new conditions, it is important to create a culture of value for the person himself, and not for machine algorithms (MA). This means enhancing human concepts with artificial intelligence (AI), using human confabulation to dynamically increase complexity and update the world view rather than simplify it. It is extremely necessary to preserve and develop natural humandimensionality, which is constantly reproduced and improved through the interaction of the human rational and irrational, to develop a sense of proportion, subtle sensations and differences, to restore a person’s ability to perceive EVERYTHING at ONCE. New sociocultural transformations will lead to the emergence of a digital ethos (digital ethics), digital pathos (digital aesthetics), and digital logos. It is necessary to conceptualize and integrate AI technologies into human life in such a way that they serve to enhance the human experience, rather than oppress or replace it.</p> 2024-06-07T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Studies in history and philosophy of science and technology Social assessment of technology: risks of implementation of artificial intelligence technologies 2024-06-07T18:13:56+03:00 O. V. Zhyvaha <p class="p1"> </p> <p class="p2">The article highlights the role of social assessment of technology (TA) as a new tool of science and technology policy aimed at finding means for social management of technologies. Development of new information technologies, in particular, AI technologies, has become a subject of research of scientists from various fields, including specialists in TA. In article it is indicated that active implementation of artificial intelligence (AI), robotics and machine learning technologies over recent years not only provide additional opportunities for business, governments and people, while transforming social, professional, cultural sphere of society, but also generate significant concerns and risks of social inequality, transformation of labor market, growth of income differentiation, security threats, etc. The article highlights the risks and concerns of</p> <p class="p1">using AI technologies and possible approaches for their prevention and overcoming in Ukraine and the world. It is discussed the activity of international organizations on development of standards, focused on social and ethical consequences of Al introduction. Specialized types of impact assessment of AI technologies, such as human rights impact assessment and algorithmic assessment, which are reflected in activities of offices and organizations on technology assessment, are analyzed. It is identified the need for development of international standards and creation of ethics code in the field.</p> 2024-06-07T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Studies in history and philosophy of science and technology Historical anthropology as a modern philosophy of history: micro-historical analysis 2024-06-07T18:27:27+03:00 S. Sh. Aytov <p>The purpose of this article is to reveal the essence of the theoretical features of «microhistorical » concepts as components of the historical-anthropological horizon of the modern philosophy of history, and their significance for the development of philosophical-historical studies. The methodology of this work includes the principles of complementarity, structure, and dialogue. In the study of the problematic field of work, the following methods were applied: philosophical hermeneutics, systemic-structural, and interdisciplinary. Research results. In the process of understanding the development of cognitive correlations and the dialogue of «microhistorical » theories and other concepts, which were formed in the process of the dynamics of historical anthropology as a modern philosophy of history, it is possible to determine a set of heuristic philosophical-historical approaches and trends in the formation of the «micro-historical» dimension of the development of past societies. Among them we note: the understanding of the personal and microsocial dimensions of the past; establishment of cognitive correlations of philosophical and historical experiments of micro-objects and macro-objects; intensification of the intellectual dialogue of the micro-historical horizon of the philosophy of history with the social and humanitarian sciences (psychology of the individual) and the reduction of the intensity of their theoretical dialogue with sociology. The given heuristic assets and scientific concepts of the «micro-historical» dimension of philosophical-historical studies turn out to be an essential component in the process of developing the concepts of historical anthropology as a modern philosophy of history. To a large extent, this trend is manifested in the deepening of the understanding of human existence in the past. The theoretical specificity of the «micro-historical» horizon is the basis for the study of methodological correlations of historical anthropology as a modern philosophy of history with post-structuralist concepts. They believe that there are no laws in the development of the historical process and focus their theoretical studies on understanding the original components of the social existence of the past. The theoretical approaches of the «micro-historical» horizon of philosophical and historical studies to the understanding of the individual life experience of an individual interact with the concept of the «human dimension» of the dynamics of science, which was formulated by Art. Toulmin. In the implementation of this philosophical-scientific project, the theoretical approaches of the «micro-historical» aspect of historical anthropology as a modern philosophy of history can be effectively applied in the reflexive field of concepts of the philosophy of science, in particular in the field of analysis of the mentality and personal traits of scientists, which significantly affect the peculiarities of their scientific worldview and investigations.</p> 2024-06-07T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Studies in history and philosophy of science and technology The Kharkiv city medical and sanitary organization: a driving force in enhancing the quality of life for residents in the late 19th and early 20th centuries 2024-06-07T19:29:14+03:00 I. Yu. Robak H. L. Demochko <p>This article explores the impact of enhancing medical care and sanitation in Kharkiv on the residents’ quality of life during the late XIX and early XX centuries. The purpose of the article is to prove that the creation of the city medical and sanitary organisation was a powerful factor in improving the quality of life of Kharkiv residents. The article connects the contemporary concept of “quality of life” with modern scientific notions like Health-related Quality of Life (HRQoL) and Urban Health, aligning them with Kharkiv’s historical retrospective review in the late XIX and early XX centuries. As a result, by adapting modern indicators of the above concepts to the social history of medicine in Kharkiv, the authors analyse how, with the historical change of urban environment factors or city characteristics (in particular, the progress of urban health care and improvement of the sanitary state), the associated characteristics of public health changed accordingly. And major characteristics simultaneously represents the quality of life. The theoretical article, characterized as historical and medical, however, embraces an interdisciplinary approach, incorporating methods from philosophy, economics, sociology, psychology, demography, cultural studies, political science, education, ecology, geography and law. Thus far, neither domestic nor foreign historians have examined the historical and medical issues of Kharkiv in such way, and this non-standard approach is the study scientific novelty. The study interdisciplinary nature left its mark on the research methods used. It integrates purely historical and regional methods with sciences being a part of this interdisciplinary subject area. The authors examine various quality of life indicators, such as the availability of doctors, nurses, pharmacy services, the number of doctors and nurses and mortality rates, concluding that the establishment of a modern medical care model in the existed Kharkiv led to an improvement in quality of life during that period. The study also delves into the sanitary aspects, including waste management, drinking water quality, water bodies, water protection, and working conditions, revealing positive changes following the creation of the city sanitary organization. The article emphasizes that contemporary medical and environmental indicators might not fully capture past quality of life changes, as they fail to address previously overcome issues like unsanitary conditions in public places, food quality (especially meat), extensive use of livestock in industry, transport, and trade, wood heating, and manual labour without safety precautions. The authors assert that steady sanitary progress occurred in Kharkiv in these areas as well. Grounded in reliable historical sources, the article establishes that the formation of the Kharkiv city medical and sanitary organization significantly enhanced the quality of life for the city’s residents during the late XIX and early XX centuries.</p> 2024-06-07T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Studies in history and philosophy of science and technology Kyiv University Astronomical Observatory Complex 2024-06-07T19:43:44+03:00 L. V. Kazantseva S. A. Salata <p>The article examines the complex of monuments of the Astronomical Observatory of Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University. A description of the area and surroundings of the Kyiv University Astronomical Observatory is given, in particular, the general landscape and components located within the territory of the attraction. According to the results of processing the materials of the State Archive of the city of Kyiv, the data regarding the allocation of the site for the construction of the Astronomical Observatory and the construction of the main building of the institution and the role of Professor V. F. Fedorov in this were clarified. The history of site development, design, construction and development in different periods of the observatory’s existence, as well as the development of scientific thought in the institution, were studied. The current status of the observatory as a monument is explained. The architecture of the main observatory building, its purpose, design history and the role of Beretti architects in the design, construction, external and internal changes are studied. The history of construction, modernization, location details, technical characteristics of other important buildings of the Astronomical Observatory complex, in particular, the Professor’s Wing, the Laboratory-Residential Building, are revealed. During the existence of the observatory, the pavilions of stationary instruments on the territory of the manor were partially rebuilt and their number changed depending on the change of scientific topics. Therefore, the article briefly examines the oldest of them, in particular the Meridian Circle Pavilion and the round tower with a rotating dome for the Repsold refractor (now the Mertz-Repsold Astrograph Pavilion). Also, the list of professor astronomers who worked or lived in the observatory buildings discussed in the article was clarified.</p> 2024-06-07T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Studies in history and philosophy of science and technology Academic sociohumanitarian research of the historical, social and cultural dimensions of the Russian-Ukrainian war. Part II. 2024-06-07T20:00:32+03:00 А. S. Lytvynko <p>The article substantiates the relevance of generalizing the experience and prognostic-analytical opinion of social scientists of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, in particular historians, sociologists, demographers and ethnologists, in relation to the historical phenomenon of the Russian-Ukrainian war and the totalitarian evolution of the russian federation, socially significant, in particular, demographic and migration consequences and risks of these processes for Ukraine and the world, the post-war reconstruction of state science, as well as for the formation of a representative source base and Ukrainian historiography of the latest period. It is important that a number of historical, demographic, ethnographic scientific studies have been analyzed and summarized, most of which were made public during the second year of the full-scale war by representatives of the academic scientific community of Ukraine. Among the authors of the surveys are employees of the Institute of History of Ukraine, the Institute of Sociology, the Institute for Demography and Life Quality Problems, the Rylsky Institute of Art Studies, Folklore and Ethnology, the Ethnology Institute and other institutions. The topics of the works touch on the evolution of the perception of Ukraine by Russian citizens, the forced migration of the population of Ukraine and threats to the demography of the state, the assessment of the social and psychological state of people in the conditions of war, forecasting the ways of development of the scientific sphere of Ukraine. It was concluded that the mentioned directions require further monitoring of their dynamics, the development of support for Ukrainian scientists by the international research community, the wide volunteer activity of the Academy’s scientists and their informational efforts to draw the attention of citizens of all countries to the events in Ukraine and the need to provide assistance to Ukraine are also worthy of attention.</p> 2024-06-10T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Studies in history and philosophy of science and technology Features of the formation and development of the masculine region: on the example of Donbas in the second half of the19th – first third of the 20th century 2024-06-10T18:01:57+03:00 S. V. Berezhna M. S. Voronina О. S. Honcharova Yu. F. Matei <p>The article analyzes the reasons for the formation and long-term preservation of masculinity in Donbas in the second half of the 19th – the first third of the 20th century. The research was conducted on the basis of gender methodology, which involves the analysis of the gender factor in determining the status of a person in society, and with the use of historical-genetic, historical-typological and historical-systemic methods of scientific research. The choice of this historically formed industrial region as an object of study was due to the existence of a number of differences in the definition of gender roles in comparison with the all-Ukrainian practice. In the course of the research, it was established that the decisive factor that determined the formation and long-term preservation of masculinity in Donbas was the nature of the region’s economic development. In the post-reform period, the dominant branch of the economy here was agriculture with its traditional patriarchal structure. The intensive industrial development of the region, which began at the end of the 19th century, contributed to the emergence of economic sectors with the predominant involvement of men: coal, metallurgy. This led to the fact that men still had a dominant role in economic and socio-political life, while women’s sphere of activity was exclusively domestic. This situation did not change until almost the beginning of the 1930s, when the party-state bodies, interested in involving women in production, created conditions for their liberation from the household and involvement in public work. However, all this was not able to destroy the masculinity of the region, women were not able to occupy an equal place with men in social and political life during the period under study.</p> 2024-06-10T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Studies in history and philosophy of science and technology Activities of the Odesa branch of the Imperial Technical Society on the organizing the School of Construction Workers (end of the19th – beginning of the 20th century) 2024-06-10T18:14:26+03:00 V. A. Dobrovolska <p>The article is devoted to the study of the activities of the Odesa branch of the Imperial russian technical society and its Permanent commission on technical education. They solved the problems of the formation of professional education in the region, in particular, through the creation of a school of construction tradesmen. The main source of the research was the materials of the funds of the State Archives of the Odesa region, published reports of Odesa branch of the Imperial russian technical society. The purpose of the research: study of the problem of organization and results of the activity of Odesa branch of the Imperial russian technical society on the creation of a school of construction workers in Odesa. Research methods were used: problem-chronological, historical-genetic, retrospective, comparative analysis, quantitative methods. These methods contribute to the rigorous and systematic investigation of historical phenomena, allowing to construct nuanced and evidence-based narratives. As a result of the research, it was concluded that the system of professional education in the russian empire at the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th centuries, was formed with the participation of public associations. A key role in this process in the Black Sea region was played by the Odesa branch of IRTT and its Permanent commission on technical education. Their main attention was paid to lower professional education. This was dictated by the requests of Odesa branch of the Odesa branch of the Imperial russian technical society itself in terms of modernization, as well as its financial capabilities. The school of construction workers was created by Odesa branch of the Imperial Russian Technical Society. It focused on the training of workers with modern competencies. The general management of the school of tithes was entrusted to the head of the Permanent Commission for Technical Education, Professor V. M. Ligin. The head of the educational department was appointed the inspector from the educational department of Odesa branch of the Imperial russian technical society schools, state adviser M. O. Kaminsky. A two-year training course with theoretical and practical parts was introduced in the school of construction workers. The school of construction workers became an important link in solving the problem of the quality of human capital in the context of the deployment of modernization processes. It operated from 1891 to 1919 at the Odesa branch of the Imperial russian technical society. It trained 731 specialists in the field of construction, which contributed to a significant increase in the professional level of workers both in the northern Black Sea region of Ukraine and in other territories of the Russian Empire in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Type of article: descriptive.</p> 2024-06-10T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Studies in history and philosophy of science and technology Library centers of the Oleksandriv district of Katerynoslav province: network, activity, figures 2024-06-10T18:25:26+03:00 L. M. Luchka <p>The article deals with the peculiarities of the formation and development of the library network of Oleksandrivskyi district in Katerynoslav region based on the analysis of historical materials and archival sources. The article analyses the activities of libraries of different subordination according to their book collections, readership and management. The purpose is to highlight the diverse activities of libraries of different subordination and their significant contribution to the development of the developed library network of the province. Scientific novelty. This study is related to historical memory and focuses on the history, development, and activities of libraries in the second half of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. The choice of the topic is due to the current situation in Ukraine, namely the Russian-Ukrainian war. During the period of Russian aggression, more than 700 libraries of various subordination were damaged and destroyed, some of them cannot be rebuilt. Each lost library had its own interesting history, carefully formed collections, active readers, and therefore deserves to be preserved in the historical memory of library science as objects and valuable examples of book heritage. chronological, comparative historical and systematic methods were used. A holistic picture of the formation and development of collections, categories of readers and library staff were recreated. Main results. The activities of different types of libraries are analysed and their contribution to development of the provincial library network is determined. The article highlights the diverse activities of cultural and educational centres in the process of acquisition of multidisciplinary collections with educational and scientific literature. The tendencies and peculiarities of the district library business in terms of serving different groups of readers and forming readers’ interests are revealed. The contribution of pedagogical figures of the district to the development of public libraries is considered. Conclusions. The state and development of librarianship depended on the political, socio-economic and cultural situation in the district. Despite the difficulties associated with certain historical events, library centres were active and performed the main functions and tasks required by educational institutions.</p> 2024-06-10T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Studies in history and philosophy of science and technology Establishment and development of the Department of Automation and Control in Technical Systems of NTU«KhPI» (to the 75th anniversary of the department) 2024-06-10T18:31:52+03:00 D. D. Kravchenko <p>In the second half of the twentieth century, a powerful scientific school in the field of automation and telemechanics was formed in Ukraine. At that time, most of the research was carried out on the basis of academic and educational institutions of Ukraine. The Department of Automation and Control in Technical Systems of the National Technical University««Kharkiv Polytechnic Institut»» occupied a prominent place among the scientific teams of research centers. The article analyzes the origins of the department, identifies the main four stages and outlines the contribution of scientists to the development of industrial process automation. The main attention is paid to the scientists who headed the department in different years. They were outstanding personalities, world-renowned scientists who saw the meaning of their lives in the development of Ukrainian science: F. A. Stupel, O. M. Suetin, V. G. Voronov, and P. O. Kachanov. It is proved that the personality of the leader, his ability to work with people, his own interest in a particular scientific problem, organizational and pedagogical skills influenced the performance of the entire team. The scientific achievements of the teaching staff of the department are characterized, in particular in the expansion of research on the creation of multidisciplinary microprocessor control systems, including vehicle control systems, educational systems, control systems and special equipment for solving environmental problems. The role of the scientific and pedagogical staff of the department in creating an effective system of training electrical engineering specialists for the field of automation and telemechanics is clarified. The prospects for the development of the department include a deeper study of artificial intelligence, robotics, telemedicine and other relevant areas. The department continues to form highly qualified specialists who contribute to the further development and implementation of innovations in the field of automation and telemechanics. During 75 years of scientific and practical activity, the department has provided training of a significant number of highly qualified specialists for the electrical engineering complex of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic and other countries. During the period of independence, the staff of the department thoroughly reviewed its activities, adapting them to modern requirements with the use of advanced scientific and technical achievements.</p> 2024-06-10T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Studies in history and philosophy of science and technology Analysis of the development of nuclear energy as a socio-technical system 2024-06-10T18:39:52+03:00 Ivanova G. T. <p>Nuclear energy remains one of the key sectors in modern energy production, yet its utilization requires a comprehensive approach and consideration of a wide spectrum of aspects, including social, humanitarian, and environmental factors. Special attention to this topic arises due to the necessity of ensuring safety and efficiency in the operation of nuclear energy amidst increasing demands for sustainable development and environmental preservation. The aim of this article is to highlight the importance of considering social, humanitarian, and environmental aspects in the production and utilization of nuclear energy, as well as to emphasize the need to view nuclear energy as a complex sociotechnical system. In the contemporary world, where energy plays a pivotal role in societal development, it is crucial to regard nuclear energy as a comprehensive system, the interaction of which depends on technologies, social processes, ideals, and societal values. The research methodology included methods of analysis and synthesis, comparisonspectizationn, and hermeneutics.. Through analyzing various approaches to the concept of a «sociotechnical system», the authors of the article identified the main components of nuclear energy as a sociotechnical system. The primary objective of the study was to analyze different approaches to the concept of a «sociotechnical system» and identify the main components of nuclear energy as such a system. The authors of the article emphasized that a sociotechnical system encompasses the interaction of technologies, social processes, ideals and societal values, which are interconnected and influence each other, ensuring the effective and safe functioning of nuclear energy. The main research findings include summarizing existing approaches to nuclear energy and identifying key components of this system. The conclusions of the article relate to recommendations for improving safety and management of nuclear energy, as well as emphasizing the importance of understanding and public support for the advantages and risks of this sector. One of the key conclusions is the necessity of monitoring public concerns regarding radiation hazards, waste management issues related to nuclear energy, and expanding educational activities and informing about the benefits and risks of the sector. In conclusion, the article views nuclear energy as a complex sociotechnical system, where it is essential to consider the interaction of technologies, social processes, ideals, and societal values to ensure effective and safe operation.</p> 2024-06-10T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Studies in history and philosophy of science and technology Images of the Galagan’s estate in vill. Sokyryntsi in Historiography of the late 19th – early 20th centuries 2024-06-10T18:46:54+03:00 V. M. Dodukh <p>The estates of the Left-Bank Ukraine nobility representatives are an extremely valuable source of information on the history of this social stratum. These expressive architectural complexes attracted the attention of researchers and were reflected in their professional activities. One of the brightest representatives of noble architecture of the 18th-19th centuries is the estate of the Galagan’s family in the village of Sokyryntsy, Chernihiv region. Throughout its centuries-old history, it has undergone several large-scale reconstructions, but invariably remained the most important, sacred place for its owners and one of the significant cultural centers of the Left-Bank Ukraine. The relevance of the study is determined by the possibility of its inclusion in studies on the history of architecture, social, cultural, intellectual history. The article is aimed at carrying out an analytical assessment of the process of formation and evolution of the image of the Galagan’s estate in Sokyryntsy in the historiography of the late 19th – early 20th centuries. The methodological basis of the study was formed by the basic principles of the theory of the historiographical image. The following methods are also used in the work: historical, analytical, genetic, comparative, biographical, method of studying the products of activity. Main results. Publications containing detailed estimates of the Galagan’s estate in Sokyryntsy were investigated. It was found that all the authors of the publications visited the estate personally, which greatly affected their stories. It is determined that the most stable is the image of the estate as a masterpiece of architecture, the keeper of Ukrainian Cossack traditions, a refuge for a large number of the scientific and creative elite representatives. Despite large-scale socio-political changes in the early twentieth century, the estate was not forgotten. Researchers recorded the loss of the former beauty and grandeur of this place, caused by significant destruction and decline of architectural compositions. However, they remained optimistic and confident that the estate would be rebuilt in its original form. The works of historians of the late nineteenth–- early twentieth centuries became the foundation for a comprehensive study of Ukrainian landowner estates. The practical significance of the work is to draw reader’’ attention to the problem of preservation and restoration of rare architectural monuments of Ukraine.</p> 2024-06-10T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Studies in history and philosophy of science and technology