Studies in history and philosophy of science and technology 2025-01-10T14:45:44+02:00 Savchuk Varfolomii Stepanovich Open Journal Systems Averroes is an outstanding medieval philosopher 2025-01-06T10:51:26+02:00 S. D. Babliak I. Z. Derzhko <p>The article is devoted to the analysis of the philosophical heritage of the medieval Islamic thinker Averroes on the occasion of the upcoming anniversary – on April 14, 2026, it will be 900 years since his birth. The purpose of this work is to present and understand his work in the context of an interdisciplinary approach. First, the views of modern foreign researchers regarding the importance of the epistemological, ethical and religious concepts presented in the works of Averroes are briefly described. Then the peculiarities of the historical environment of Muslim Spain of the twelfth century, in which he lived and worked, are analyzed, taking into account the dominance of Islamic science in most Western European countries. A brief sketch of the biography of the Cordovan thinker with an emphasis on enduring severe moral trials in old age is also presented. The content of the expressed philosophical ideas of the Islamic scientist is revealed and their influence on the further development of medieval European science is substantiated. The importance of the scientific and theological direction founded by him, later called «Latin Averroism», is emphasized, the significant popularity of Averroes in the Christian environment (in contrast to the Islamic one) is explained, the evaluation of his works by medieval European scholastics is presented. Emphasis is placed on the importance of transitional time periods in the history of mankind, which not only connect eras, but also oppose them, and in this aspect, the legacy of Averroes as a person who managed to build philosophical bridges between Antiquity, the Middle Ages and the Renaissance is analyzed. In his writings, the thinker expressed views that were incompatible with the prevailing ideology of the Arab Caliphate in his time, as he was distinguished by bold aspirations to actualize the human essence. He relied on the works of Aristotle available at that time, which is why he earned the honorary nickname «Commentator» from subsequent generations of philosophers. Among the Islamic scholars, he was most impressed by the worldviews of the philosopher and mathematician Al–Farabi (870–950) and partly by the theologian, physician and poet Ibn Sina (980–1037), whom he seeks to defend from accusations of impiety. In general, in his writings, Ibn Rushd (as his name sounded in Spain at the time) spoke against orthodox Islamic theologians and argued that only philosophers have the legal right to define truth and interpret laws. Averroes considered his main ideological opponent the Sufi theologian Al–Ghazali (1058–1111), who unapologetically and unfairly criticized the scientists of that time for their desire to rationally substantiate the main provisions of religious systems. In his polemical treatise The Refutation of Objections, written in 1184, Ibn Rushd insisted on the importance and necessity of studying philosophy and other scientific disciplines. During his lifetime, the arguments of the Córdoba intellectual mostly encountered a deaf wall of non–acceptance on the part of the religious orthodox who stood guard over the contemporary ideology of the Arab Caliphate. For them, to think logically meant to move in the direction of paganism or heresy. Various social aspects presented in the works of Averroes were also studied, and the originality of his religious and ethical concepts was proven. Emphasis is placed on the importance of the philosopher’s scientific works, which made a serious contribution to the history of the European Renaissance.</p> 2025-01-06T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Studies in history and philosophy of science and technology The Core of the Thesaurus of metacognitive Anthropometry / human Dimensionality 2025-01-06T11:10:42+02:00 V. B. Ezerskiy O. E. Honcharova E. Gaufman <p>The urgency of the problem lies in the growing gap between the physio-biological base of man as the fundamental nature of the reality of human consciousness and behavior (the inherent harmony of the constants of the biosphere of planet Earth) and the information component of man, which is subject to him and is being improved by leaps and bounds. Modern science is experiencing a crisis in the organization of scientific knowledge associated with redundancy of information in the absence of compliance with the principles of humanistic morality. An important new quality of a person for adapting to new unprecedented conditions of metacommunication and overcoming the risks of self-destruction is metacognition as the ability to observe, analyze and understand one’s algorithm of cognition to form an individual map of ideas, which is the basis of a worldview – a unique mental prism through which a person identifies/self-determines yourself and your environment. In the formation of a map of ideas, which is transformed into immanent reality, the Thesaurus plays a decisive role – a treasury of words/names that a person uses to name numerous environmental phenomena distinguished by his mind. The quality of the reality he constantly creates depends on the clarity of the meaning and moral foundations of the words/names that a person uses to constantly adjust his map of ideas. There are two options here: either create abundance/prosperity/light, or create scarcity/suffering/destruction! The purpose of the article is to show the decisive role of the Thesaurus in the mechanism of formation of reality as an immanent (inherent in man) entity, to substantiate and create the core of the thesaurus (verbal set of words) as a formal system of metacognitive coordination, orientation and navigation of individual and collective human behavior, i. e. metacognitive range, in which science provides us with an understanding of the reality of our behavior, its rationality and irrationality, expediency and ways to overcome the risks of self-destruction. The results of the study. The metacognitive nature of the Thesaurus is substantiated and its role in the life of a human being is determined – the generation of complexity in which a person finds himself and the organization of mastering new complexity. The cosmological role of the Thesaurus phenomenon is revealed. The physio-, bio-, psycho-, socio-, poly-natures of the human being in their unity are highlighted and substantiated. The structure and principles of the formation of the Thesaurus of metacognitive human-dimensionality are substantiated in the unity of levels of emotional response (basic, cultural and cognitive emotions), the necessary and sufficient conditions for filtering and including words in the Thesaurus core are demonstrated. The only point of goal determination makes human actions meaningful – this is humanism, in the name of man, in the name of the highest value – human life. The practical significance of the proposed cognitive system and practical application are presented. The core of the Thesaurus of metacognitive human- dimensionality with a closure to openness has been formed.</p> 2025-01-06T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Studies in history and philosophy of science and technology Historical anthropology as a modern philosophy of history and global social and geopolitical processes 2025-01-10T14:45:44+02:00 S. Sh. Aytov <p>The purpose of this work is to understand historical anthropology as a modern philosophy of history of the essence of modern global social and geopolitical processes and study. The methodology of this work is based on the principles, complementarity, structurality, dialogicity and methods of philosophical hermeneutics, systemic-structural, and interdisciplinary. Research results. The study of multifaceted scientific concepts of historical anthropology as a modern philosophy of history forms the basis for their fruitful application in the field of understanding global social and geopolitical dynamics. Historical-anthropological theories provide intelligence and understanding of social and geopolitical processes with the potential of analyzing their causal relationships. The intellectual impact of geopolitical research on research from historical anthropology as a modern philosophy of history significantly contributes to the actualization of the understanding of mental factors of historical dynamics both in the dimensions of “local civilizations” and global socio-political processes. It is quite logical to study the impact of the psychological and cultural factor on the social and geopolitical development and cultural achievements of the civilizational communities of the ancient world and on the global historical processes of dynamics and their projection on the global social and geopolitical dynamics. The integration of the analysis of the mental and cultural plane of the development of “local civilizations” and its actualization in the exploration of modern geopolitical processes will contribute to a more relevant understanding of the historical development of civilizational communities and modern social and geopolitical transformations and prospects for their future development. In the studies of the mentioned problems, the dialogue between the concepts of historical anthropology as a modern philosophy of history and geopolitical theoretical approaches in the space of understanding the causality and essence of historical processes and their significance for global social and geopolitical processes is of great importance. It should be noted the cognitive potential of applying the concepts of geopolitics in research from historical anthropology as a modern philosophy of history. Thus, the analysis of the influence of geopolitical factors on the mental and cultural plane of historical dynamics is a fundamentally important component of understanding the causality of the formation of civilizational communities and their social and geopolitical development. The impact of historical anthropology as a modern philosophy of history on the study of social and geopolitical development is carried out in understanding the significance of its mental and cultural plane. The influence of the conceptual approaches of historical anthropology on geopolitical theories is realized in the actualization of studies of the psychological and cultural horizon of the geopolitical dynamics of “local civilizations” that make up the modern world order. The reverse influence of the concepts of geopolitics on historical and anthropological research is manifested in the integration of the analysis of mental-cultural and spatial-geographical aspects of understanding the causality and content of historical processes.</p> 2025-01-10T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Studies in history and philosophy of science and technology Historical anthropology as a modern philosophy of history and global social and geopolitical processes 2025-01-06T12:07:25+02:00 I. V. Chepyegin <p>In the current world, globalization, technological development and economic transformations are fundamentally rethinking the concept of cordons, necessitating the need to adapt traditional phenomena to new realities. This study provides a retrospective and current analysis of the concept of borders in the context of global transformations, indicating their role in the dynamic world. Traditional approaches to the understanding of cordons, such as geographical, political, and ethnic-cultural boundaries, compare with modern approaches that promote their economic, sociocultural, technological and globalization roles. The geographical aspect, which previously appeared as a simple line on the map, is now combined with economic zones and technological innovations that change physical barriers and combine the posture of traditional borders. The mutual mage globalіzatsya is the cordons to be a wardless dinema, the sophisticates of the Migration, the culture of the mutual resource, the flapek, and the Ekologiy is healthy, the aspects of the Sluto Svitі. Also, globalization is accelerating the growth of transnational economic activity, changing the convergence of cordons as a place of interaction and fusion of different cultures and social systems, as well as creating new spheres of safety and response to environmental and health problems. The author of the study notes the influx of globalization on the transformation of borders, medical, political, economic, technological and sociocultural aspects. The results of the investigation indicate a new character of cordons, which are becoming less harsh and susceptible to counteraction, but are simultaneously confronted with new trends, such as migration, terrorism and environmental problems. The research highlights strategic approaches to further development of the concept of cordons. The author recommends the integration of current technologies in the process of managing cordons, emphasizing the needs of international intelligence among the highest transcordon calls and identifying key directions for further investigations. The research is of great importance for scholars, politicians and practitioners who are concerned with current trends and prospects for border management in the era of globalization.</p> 2025-01-06T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Studies in history and philosophy of science and technology Contribution of fruit-growing societies to the scientific and practical support of Ukraine agriculture (end of the 19th – beginning of the 20th century) 2025-01-06T12:17:55+02:00 I. O. Demuz V. A. Chalavan <p>The purpose of the article is to analyze the activities of fruit growing societies in Ukraine at the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th centuries in order to find out their contribution to ensuring the scientific and practical needs of agriculture at that time. The scientific novelty of the study consists in summarizing the information found about the Ukrainian branches of the Imperial Russian Society of Fruit Growing, outlining the main areas of their activity based on periodicals and reports of the branches. It was established that precisely in the South-Western region (Kyiv, Volhynia, Podilsk provinces), Tavria (covered the entire Crimean peninsula and part of Steppe Ukraine – Berdyansk, Dnipro and Melitopol counties) and Bessarabian provinces (which included, in addition to the territory of Moldova, part of modern Chernivtsi and Odesa regions) – until the end of the 19th century, the largest number of fruits were produced, therefore the field of horticulture in general and fruit growing in particular required the solution of a number of scientific and organizational measures – systematic training of qualified specialists, organized sales of products, dissemination of information about rational methods of technical processing of fruits, establishment of processes for combating garden pests, etc. In addition to the government and zemstvos, industry associations gradually joined to solve these issues. It was found that the Ukrainian territories were characterized by the functioning of several associations of horticulture, hops and viticulture: in particular, Tavria, Bessarabia, Kyiv, Volyn, Kherson provinces. The contribution of the Imperial Russian Society of Fruit Growing to the development of the industry was traced and information was summarized about the branches of the organization operating in Ukraine – Kyiv, Katerynoslav, Volyn, Khotyn, Molochan, Karasubazar and Sudat. It was established that the main areas of activity of the named centers for the scientific and practical needs of agriculture were: 1) exhibition and presentation, which contributed to the popularization of new varieties and rational methods of fruit growing among owners of different regions of the country; 2) scientific research, which consisted in conducting pomological studies, in varietal breeding and varietal reproduction; 3) solving the practical needs of horticulture and fruit growing in the region through the establishment of permanent institutions – warehouses of garden tools and inventory, nurseries with an assortment of industrial fruits, model gardens, book collections, the establishment of courses and specialized lower educational institutions; 4) provision of consultations to the local population on various issues of horticulture and fruit growing; 5) fight against garden pests; 6) collection of statistical data on the state of local horticulture and fruit growing and compilation of regional industrial assortment of fruits; 7) assistance to the local population in the organization of rational sales of fruit growing products without intermediaries, etc.</p> 2025-01-06T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Studies in history and philosophy of science and technology The Jewish pogrom in Katerynoslav in Juli 1905 2025-01-06T12:26:13+02:00 O. V. Boiko О. О. Chepurko <p>The article is devoted to a little-known episode in the history of Katerynoslav: the Jewish pogrom of July 20, 1905. Due to the lack of historical sources, these events have not been adequately covered in general works on Jewish history or local history studies. The vast majority of them focus on the events of April and October 1905, when large-scale Jewish pogroms took place in Katerynoslav. The authors of this study set out to find out the causes, course, and consequences of the Jewish pogrom of July 20, 1905, in Katerynoslav. The research was made possible thanks to documents found in the State archive of the Dnipropetrovsk region and introduced for the first time into scientific circulation. As a result of the study, the course of the pogrom of July 20, 1905, was reconstructed for the first time. The authors refute the official version of the local authorities, reflected in the report to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, regarding: 1) the nature of the events; 2) their causes; 3) their scale; and 4) their consequences. The analysis of available documents makes it possible to assert that on July 20, 1905, an organized Jewish pogrom took place, but not spontaneous riots or individual “incidents” provoked allegedly by the Jews themselves. This is confirmed by the proven synchronization of the actions of different groups of rioters in 9 main locations in the central part of Кaterynoslav. It is noted that local law enforcement agencies were directly responsible for the violence in the city, as their inaction contributed to the escalation of interethnic clashes, and in some cases supported anti-Semitic sentiments, coordinated actions with the rioters. Ultimately, this explains the reluctance of the police to consider the victims’ statements and open proceedings against the perpetrators immediately after the July 20 pogrom. Hypothetical reasons for the pogrom were identified: 1) the intention to split the revolutionary movement in the city against the background of interethnic hatred (the version of the Russian Social Democrats); 2) revenge of law enforcement officers for the alleged physical injuries inflicted on a policeman by Jews on July 19 (if this conflict actually took place) and their use of anti-Jewish sentiments of some citizens; 3) the emergence of a pro-monarchist environment in Katerynoslav, the future “Black Hundred” movement, known for its anti-Semitic and chauvinistic views.</p> 2025-01-06T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Studies in history and philosophy of science and technology Contribution of Olga Mechnykova to medical science 2025-01-06T12:36:43+02:00 V. M. Gamaliia S. P. Ruda <p>When conducting historical and scientific research, the figures of women who made a significant contribution to science appear quite often. Women scientists were engaged not only in research activities. They took part in scientific expeditions, learned future specialists, carried out active organizational and popularization work. Sometimes women became authors of new progressive ideas and founded their own scientific schools. In this connection scientific activities of female investigators like M. V. Pavlova, V. Y. Bilai, O. I. Smirnova-Zamkova, S. M. Pereyaslavtseva, O. M. Khokhol, K. G. Beltiukova are highlighted. A special attention worth married couples engaged in joint research activities. A clear examples of such cooperation (French physicists Marie and Pierre Curie, native couple Oleksandr and Natalia Yanata) are mentioned. Meanwhile women often helped their husbands by sharing scientific interests. Among them the wife of Ilya Mechnikov – Olga Mykolaivna – takes a rightful place. It should be noted that very often the role of women in performing scientific research was out from the attention of historians of science. And Olga Mechnikova is a classic example of this. Meanwhile, this woman not only helped and supported the work of her husband, but also conducted active research activities herself. Her life was completely devoted to science and people. The proposed article presents the life path of Olga Mechnikova – a wife, faithful friend and colleague, an attentive biographer of her husband. Olga Mykolaivna’s contribution to the practical implementation of Ilya Mechnikov’s achievements and conducting joint scientific research with him in the field of developing methods of biological control of pests in agricultural plants, ways of overcoming tuberculosis diseases, and the initiation of gnotobiology are shown. The practical activity of Olga Mykolaivna in clarifying the role of phagocytes in the destruction of bacteria during vaccination is highlighted. Particular attention is paid to the medical practice of Olga Mechnikova in providing medical care to both Ukrainian peasants and patients of the Pasteur Institute. The authors of the article did not avoid another sphere of activity of Olga Mechnikova, which is related to the field of art. The role of this extraordinary personality as a capable sculptor and artist is emphasized.</p> 2025-01-06T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Studies in history and philosophy of science and technology The leading role of women in the development of Mykolaiv Museum affairs in the second half of the twentieth centur 2025-01-06T12:56:49+02:00 N. O. Ryzheva N. V. Suhatska <p>On the example of one of the oldest Mykolaiv museums – V. V. Vereshchagin Regional Art Museum – the processes of organizational changes and transformational conversions, which have become significant and formed the modern foundations of its work, are analyzed. The purpose of the article is to reveal the role of female researchers in the preservation, accumulation and popularization of the museum collection as a specific monument of the material historical and cultural heritage of Ukraine. The subject of the research was the forms and directions of the regional museum directors work, in the context of substantiating priority tasks and determining the ways of their practical implementation by the team. The existing emphasis contributed to the most comprehensive immersion in the thematic sphere and made it possible to recognize the dedication of colleagues to museum work. It has been established that the complex increase in the exposition was the result of well-thought-out scientific and organizational activities: active exposition and display, excursion work was carried out, new mass media forms of advertising were introduced at that time. The growth of the museum’s collection prompted the concretization of algorithms for research work: attribution research was carried out, information about artists and their creative works was collected. Along with the purposeful and systematic collection of museum significance objects, colleagues carried out significant cultural and educational work. Based on the comparison of statistical data, a continuous increase in the number of visitors to the museum, lectures, exhibitions and events of cultural and public importance has been proved. Unfortunately, this issue has not received due attention in the modern historiographic sphere, both at the national and regional levels. There is a certain lacuna in the national historiography regarding the comprehensive analysis of the gender component as an important factor in ensuring the formation and development of all forms of museum work in Ukraine. The materials presented in the article, using the example of only one museum, prove the prospects of the chosen topic and the possibility of distinguishing it as a direction of scientific research.</p> 2025-01-06T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Studies in history and philosophy of science and technology Pavlo Halahan Collegium in Andronyk Stepovych’s memoirs 2025-01-10T13:22:03+02:00 M. M. Budzar T. V. Tereshchenko <p>The authors of the article examine the memoirs of the Slavic philologist and pedagogue Andronyk Stepovych (1856/1857–1935), dedicated to the history of the Pavlo Halahan Collegium in Kyiv. The aim of the study is a comparative analysis of several memoirs by A. Stepovych, united by the theme of the Collegium in the realities of the socio-political life of Kyiv in the author’s youth – the 70s of the 19th century. The scientific novelty of the publication lies in the comprehensive characterization of sources that have not yet been fully introduced into scientific circulation. For the historical and contextual analysis of the memoirs, the documents from the Halahan archive related to them in terms of their subject matter were used. The sources were processed using the methods of problematic chronology and historical comparative studies. The memoirs are examined in accordance with two periods of A. Stepovych’s activity in studying the history of the educational institution and the biography of its founder, Hryhorii Halahan: the 1890s, 1900s, and 1920s. The thematic and conceptual connection between these stages is determined. To do this, the authors compare A. Stepovych’s memoirs with his texts on the history of the Collegium and the documents he published as an archaeographer. Two texts, conditionally dated from the 1900s to the 1920s, are analyzed textually. These are a fragmented description of the events of A. Stepovych’s last year of study at the Collegium and a memoir “From the First Years of the Pavlo Halahan Collegium”. These memoirs contain facts that illustrate the challenges that the educational institution faced in the first years of its existence. The author has determined how these memoirs cover issues that were very important to A. Stepovych, such as the pedagogical concept of the institution, the peculiarities of the educational process, the intellectual atmosphere, etc. These texts are compared in terms of topics and issues with other memoirs by A. Stepovych created during the 1920s. These are “From Memories of the ‘Stara Hromada’” and “From the Student Moods of the 70s”. The conclusion is made about the conceptual meaning of A. Stepovych’s memoirs. The texts create a positive image of the institution and its founders and trustees, Hryhorii and Kateryna Halahan. This is in line with the author’s efforts to study the history of the Pavlo Halahan Collegium. They also indicate that in the intellectual and ideological situation of the 1920s, A. Stepovych sought to include the heritage of the Collegium in the national narrative. He positioned the institution as a progressive school that did not stand aside from the Ukrainian national movement. In other words, the memoirs deepen the historiographical concept of A. Stepovych’s other studies on the topic of the Collegium.</p> 2025-01-10T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Studies in history and philosophy of science and technology Memorialization of trauma in the urban space of Kharkiv 2025-01-10T13:39:56+02:00 Olga Nikolaienko <p>The purpose of the study is to determine the main strategies for memorializing traumatic experiences, both past and present, in the landscape space of the city. For this, monumental compositions arranged as places of memory and sorrow, as well as commemoration practices aimed at commemorating and etching collective trauma, are analyzed. The scientific novelty consists in the application of the analysis of the symbolic-spatial and monumental definition of injuries in the landscape of the city of Kharkiv, their artistic and cultural potential and political content. In a municipal landscape for years independence to the places of memory of ІІ of world war memorials to the victims of Holodomor, Afghanistan war and Chornobyl’ catastrophe were added. Their appearance and commemorations related to celebration in honors of victims of these historical events testified to the attempt to realize and condemn the criminal acts of the previous political power. The collective traumas of contemporaneity, caused by Russian aggression, are yet realized by society, however their scale causes a requirement in arrangement of places of memory and sorrow, maintenance and celebration in honour of memory about heroes and war victims in municipal space. One of methods of articulation of trauma it is possible to count appearance of artistic initiatives – strit-arts or perfоrmances, that report the depth of trauma and are one of facilities of her comprehension, acceptance and step on the way of overcoming. Dances are on ruins, painting of plywoods that covers the window-panes knocked out by explosions became the spontaneous symbolic forms of replacement of the lost peaceful life. Process of establishment of memorial objects or toponymy changes, that needs concordances with local-authority and observance of legal procedures, distinguished by unregularity and accidently. Initiatives and activity of veteran and volunteer organizations that try to influence on the decision of city authority, strengthening of their role certify in the process of memorialization of trauma. Absence of experience of participation in organization of municipal space generates the situations of conflict of interests and appearance of contradictions in the artistic decisions of commemoration. Questions remain open: who, that and for what remembers, who and as needed tributed, what role in the process of memorialization is played by the relatives of victims and heroes, organizations, that present their interests, power, artists, habitants. The vagueness of memorialization is caused by a that factor, that Ukrainian society until now did not enter on the way of overcoming of trauma, but tries to comprehend her, being in a middle. The terms of martial law, duration of military operations, front-line status of city, permanent threate habitants and continuation of destructions, complicate the process of ranging from a trauma, deepening her and deeply impinted in consciousness.</p> 2025-01-10T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Studies in history and philosophy of science and technology Coverage of military aid to Ukraine by international partners and allies on the pages of the Guardian newspaper (February-August 2022) 2025-01-10T13:50:29+02:00 M. S. Nadraga O. V. Turchak S. O. Tenyckyi <p>The proposed article presents an analysis of publications related to the provision of military aid to Ukraine by international partners and allies during the first half of the Russian-Ukrainian war. The thesis is substantiated that since the beginning of the large-scale invasion, the partner countries joined in providing comprehensive assistance, including military assistance. The purpose of the article is to draw the attention of researchers to the factual material contained in the publications of the foreign press and testifying to the interest of the public and the world community in the Russian-Ukrainian war. Attention is paid to the fact of phasing, consistency and coherence in the process of preparing for the provision of this assistance. Judging by the publications, the authors conclude that certain types of lethal weapons have been provided to Ukraine since the beginning of the aggressive invasion. However, some countries have for some time focused only on providing humanitarian aid. Attention was paid to how the views of the leaders of the world states regarding the long-term policy of banning the re-export of weapons to conflict zones changed during the provision of aid. The attention of researchers did not escape the activities of international organizations. An important fact is the intention of world powers to cooperate with private arms manufacturers to help Ukraine meet its needs and to pay for such supplies. Emphasis is placed on the meetings of the allies in Ramstein, their results regarding the search for ways to arm Kyiv in the face of the Russian offensive. An important milestone was the Lend-Lease Law for the Protection of Democracy in Ukraine, signed by Joe Biden on May 10, 2022. The training of Ukrainian soldiers abroad became an integral component of support. It was noted that due to the large number of deliveries, considerable attention was paid to the mechanism of control over the use of the provided weapons. It is concluded that based on the publications of the British newspaper «The Guardian» it is possible to analyze in detail the decision-making process on the provision of military aid to Ukraine, its content and direct implementation.</p> 2025-01-10T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Studies in history and philosophy of science and technology Some contemporary directions in the international scientific activities of the S. Subbotin Institute of geophysics of the National academy of sciences of Ukraine 2025-01-10T13:58:56+02:00 H. L. Zvonkova H. A. Doronina <p>The S. Subbotin Institute of Geophysics has considerable experience in successful international cooperation. By the early 2010s, a cycle of geophysical international studies conducted in Central and Eastern Europe had been almost entirely completed. It is crucial to note that these studies investigated various types of tectonic structures and geodynamic regimes of the Earth’s continental lithosphere. The primary sources for these studies were the reports on the Institute’s activity and scientists’ summarizing articles. The Institute’s experience in international cooperation in previous years is covered in detail in publications: “Integration of the Institute of Geophysics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine into Global Science” by V. Starostenko and E. Isichenko, and “International Cooperation of the S. Subbotin Institute of Geophysics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine in 2010–2020” by V. Starostenko, O. Rusakov, and A. Yakimchik. The purpose of the article is to analyze and summarize some modern directions and forms of international activity of the Subbotin Institute of Geophysics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. The collected material makes it possible to analyze the priority areas of international activity of the Institute’s scientists. Based on the analysis of international events, conclusions have been drawn that Ukrainian geophysicists are expanding the Ukrainian seismological network and gradually integrating it into the international one. The article highlights the forms of international cooperation of the Subbotin Institute of Geophysics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine over the past decade. A historical and analytical approach was used in the study, allowing for the generalization of certain directions of international cooperation activities. The article points out that an active combination of various forms of scientific activity can lead to the realization of goals and the resolution of the challenges that the global community faces today. It is shown that with the onset of the military activities on the territory of Ukraine, new factors have emerged that affect the environmental state. This should draw the attention of the entire international community, as these issues concern not only the Ukrainian territory. The article highlights new international projects in which the Institute’s scientists are participating and identifies the need for the implementation of modern information technologies and the maintenance of high standards of scientific activity. Based on the analysis of the projects involving Ukrainian scientists, it is clear that the European vector of international cooperation remains one of the key directions of the Institute’s activities. It has been determined that international programs are based on a comprehensive approach to solving complex geological and geophysical problems. It has been determined that a special place in geophysical research is now occupied by monitoring seismic activity, climate change, crustal research, and the study of geomagnetic phenomena. The organization of joint publications addressing current geophysical issues, as well as the holding of seminars and conferences, is an important component of international cooperation today.</p> 2025-01-10T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Studies in history and philosophy of science and technology Engineer of Kateryninska railway M. O. Dolgov (1871–1919): impact of the development of the track management technical progress. 2025-01-10T14:06:19+02:00 V. A. Yanin <p>The purpose of the article is to show the impact of M. O. Dolgov on the development of railway transport of Ukraine while it was under Russian influence. The main stages of his life are analyzed. The purpose of the article is to show the scientific path of M. O. Dolgov, to create the image of scientist and engineer based on the available historiographical base. To achieve this goal historical-chronological, analytic-synthetic, and biographical methods were used. It was proven that scientific works and technical devices of the engineer-scientist, that were dedicated to the various issues of the railway transport and related to the processes of the railway usage and trains movement, contain researches and experiments within the scope of the Katerynynska railway functioning. It was found out that M. O. Dolgov published a wide variety of works regarding the relevant issues of rolling stock and railway track. Overall, his researches were performed in the context of the engineering goals and tasks of the last quarter of the XIX – beginning of the XX century. Scientific work of M. O. Dolgov could be conditionally divided into six parts: 1) stability of the ground canvas; 2) problem with the subsidence of the track; 3) importance of the rail operation; 4) importance and work of the railroad ties; 5) importance of the track ballast; 6) reasons for the rocking of the steam locomotive. His scientific works considerably influenced the technical progress of railway transport. Due to them M. O. Dolgov gained recognition as a scientist and railway engineer of Katerynynska railway. In this article we also tracked the relation between M. O. Dolgov and the basics, which caused his interest to engineering, in particular under the influence of M. V. Ostrohradskyi, D. I. Zhuravskyi, M. A. Beleliubskyi, S. D. Kareisha, M. I. Lypyn, M. S. Filonenko (Ukrainian natives), and russians O. P. Borodin, P. P. Melnykov, M. O. Kraft, M. E. Zhukovskyi, and others. M. O. Dolgov is also an author of the various works dedicated to the construction of the railways, especially development of the railways infrastructure. The scientist conducted a range of experiments and created different appliances for the measuring of upper track parameters. His works were focused on strengthening the railway track. Ideas and techniques of M. O. Dolgov are used even today. They ensure the safety of movement, overall increase the bandwidth and comfort for the passengers on the railways. In his research M. O. Dolgov used the method of constant observation.</p> 2025-01-10T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Studies in history and philosophy of science and technology